Do you want to help us run the event?

Our goal is to get stations QRV in each of the 10 FCC zones, and as many operators in each of the stations as possible. If you are passionate about helping, and live in a zone we don't have yet, we'd be glad to have you!

Here's what is required of the N*F station owners:

  1. Have a strong signal that can be heard nationwide.
  2. Commit to having your team make at least 200 contacts during Fire Prevention Week. The more the better!
  3. Put up a QRZ page for your station, with this QSL address listed.
  4. Operate throughout the week to give everyone a chance.
  5. If operating SSB or digital, send out a fire prevention tip to close each QSO. We'll provide the list of tips for the year.  
  6. Form a team, if possible. If you are in an active club, you might want to consider asking your club to help out.
  7. Make sure each of your operators has an electronic logging program that is capable of producing ADIF files.  A lot of people use N1MM+ Logger for contests or special events -- you can create a QSOPARTY log and it'll work fine, or use G4OGB's user-defined contest file for Fire Prevention Week. DXlab, Ham Radio Deluxe, and most other modern  logging programs will also work. 
  8. As the zone leader, you should also have software that can merge ADIF files from your N1MM+ does great at logging but lousy at merging. I've used DXlab successfully. If you use another logger, check it for whether it can merge ADIFs with duplicate detection.
  9. Log all contacts, as they are being made, in your logging program.
  10. After the event is over, merge the log files from your team and mail them to me.
  11. Above all else, have a good time!  


If you're interested, please contact me through the email address on my QRZ page. And thanks!


73 and stay fire safe,

- Steve WX2S.


© 2016-2023 Siemens USA Fire Safety Amateur Radio Club

2024 Fire Prevention Week
Amateur Radio Special Event

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